1.局部治疗 药效集中 2.渗透性强 加速代谢 3.效果迅速 直达病灶 4.活血化瘀 疏经通络 5.温度适调 扩张毛孔 6.磁性效应 离子导入 7.红外辐射 调解免疫 8.电能疏导 机能反应
122799 1 x 1 g XenoLight D-Luciferin - K+ Salt Bioluminescent Substrate
New TopSeal-A PLUS allows you to view wells throughout the incubation process - no visibility effects with humidity
6005689 CulturPlate (96-well, white, sterile TC-treated)
CulturPlate-96, White Opaque 96-well Microplate, Sterile and Tissue Culture Treated, Case 50